Monday, 8 February 2016

IELTS Speaking - Part 2- Tips for making notes

You will have 1 minute to make notes on the topic provided to you and you will be provided with a paper and a pencil/pen to make notes to help you while speaking.

You may use the mind map technique to make notes:

In this technique you can write the one or 2 points under each main header and run clockwise or anti-clockwise during your presentation, you would not miss any point neither stumble upon the collated points when compared with the listing technique.

Any other suggestions...?

IELTS Speaking - Part 2-Test 3&4

In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.
Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish you would be provided with a paper & pen to make notes. Please visit IELTS Speaking - Part 2- Tips for making notes

TEST - 3

Describe a journey you remember



Describe your job or the job you would like to have.


assessment card


happy speaking!!! :)


IELTS Speaking - Part 2-Test 1&2

In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.
Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish you would be provided with a paper & pen to make notes. Please visit IELTS Speaking - Part 2- Tips for making notes

Test - 1 

Describe a house you visited which you particularly liked.

Test - 2

Describe a celebration you remember.

Assessment Card